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Poulner Infant School and Nursery

Building Futures Through Creativity, Challenge and Collaboration

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Poulner Infant School and Nursery

Building Futures Through Creativity, Challenge and Collaboration



RE Long Term Plan

Mrs Smith - RE Subject Leader


  • Engage and enthuse children
  • Prepare them for life in a world with multiple views
  • Nurture own spiritual development
  • Confidence to voice own views
  • Respect the views of others
  • Give children space to ask big questions – tackled in a safe environment
  • Developing resilient responses to misunderstandings, stereotyping and division
  • Opportunities to increase cultural capital by exposure to different faiths and cultures
  • Include and promote British Values
  • Awareness of their rights and responsibilities as UK citizens
  • Creativity, imagination, enquiry, debate, discussion and independence



  • We follow the agreed Hampshire RE syllabus, ‘The Living Difference IV’.
  • RE is planned in half termly units for each year group
  • Each half termly unit is developed from a big question and links concepts and the RE Golden Threads
  • Visitors from different backgrounds and faiths welcomed to lead lessons and assemblies
  • Opportunities to visit range of places of worship including local church and mosque
  • Teaching is delivered using a wide variety of methods to ensure all children are excited and engaged. Lessons are differentiated so all children can access the learning. Lessons are planned to be interactive and practical, often using P4C as an engaging teaching method.



  • Enjoyment of learning about different religions and why people choose to follow, or not follow a religion
  • Learn to make links between own lives and those of others in the community and the wider world
  • Developing an understanding of other cultures and ways of live
  • Ability to live within an increasingly diverse and demanding world